Aus | 2011 | Endless loop | Colour
Data-moshed video digital painting

Motion Picture Ruins, 2011, explores processes of digital decay using excerpts of kisses from existing films. As a symbol of our cultural memory, the ‘big Hollywood kiss’ can be understood as an inherent part of film history.

Working with short clips extracted from Youtube, the digital files were altered at the level of data, using a compression-based algorithm to confuse their visual composition. The work can be seen an exercise in digital entropy, mutating the idyllic kisses of Hollywood into a layered topography of motion picture images.

Official Selection // Festival Les Instants Vidéo, Marseilles, (21 October - 4 December 2022)
Official Selection // Bomba Video Club, Moscow (15 October 2022)
Official Selection // Stitch and Glitch, The Bearded Tit, Redfern, Aus. (27 June - 6 August 2015)
Official Selection // The Breakup, 107 Projects, Sydney, Aus. (23 - 26 July 2014)
Official Selection // St Jerome’s Laneway Festival, Sydney, Aus. (5 February 2012) 
Official Selection // Electroprojections, G3 Gallery, Melbourne, Aus. (12 September 2012)
Official Selection // Trout Slap, Sydney College of the Arts Auditorium, Sydney, Aus. (23 May 2012)
Official Selection // Greatest Hits Film Night, Verge Gallery, Sydney, Aus. (22 March 2012)
Official Selection // Deja, Bandhouse Marrickville, Sydney, Aus. (3 December 2011)
Official Selection // Grad Show, Sydney College of the Arts (15 - 25 November 2011)
Official Selection // Space Trash #1, Cosmo’s Rock Lounge, Sydney, Aus. (20 November 2011)
